How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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The director gives approvals and will guide the vision, but the person in charge of creating and maintaining the visual style of a movie, live action or animated, is called the production designer. This person works on the film from its earliest conceptual stage to the end of shooting, in the case of live action, or through to post production on an animated film.

There are many others who will assist with this task along the way; concept designers, storyboard artists, Art Directors, and VFX art directors. There are artists who specialize in characters, some specialize in environments, vehicles, or hardware. The time spent on the movie making decisions about how a film will look (and out of which will come the style guide that so many people have mentioned here), is called the “preproduction phase.” In animation, visual effects, and, more and more and often, live action filmmaking, the specific part of the process that you are asking about is referred to as visual development or “visdev.”

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