How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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That’s what art directors are for. They direct the artists on maintaining a specific artistic style. Of course in the case of hand drawn animation there was some variance between frames and scenes, either due to different artists working on different scenes or even from the same artists. This usually could be seen as lines and shapes “flickering” a bit as lines were not drawn in the exact same way.

CG movies like the ones made by Pixar however have a relatively easier job in maintaining consistency since the models they use are digital so all the animators do is move them between each frame. Certain scenes or facial expressions may be drawn by hand but those drawings are only used for reference for how the model will be animated.

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