How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?


How does a large animation studio like Pixar maintain consistency when dozens of people with varying artistic tastes are working on a single project?

In: 1426

114 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

There are several layers of animation and animators.

At the bottom of the pyramid are the animators, who make up the bulk of the animation staff. They typically work off a reference sheet, which is a sheet where the character is drawn in various poses and emotions, in order to maintain consistency.

These are then grouped under a supervisor, whose job is to check all of his staff’s work for consistency, and correcting anything outside the acceptable range.

Then it all goes to the director to approve.

This system is in place for a lot of different elements; such as the baseline animations, the clothing, the hair, any simulations such as water or wind interactions, the lighting, the compositing, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an art director and master style sheets that sets the design of each character and the general style for the movie.

Before 3D modelling it was also the norm that they had an entire department whose only job was cleaning up animations and (if necessary) redrawing some parts to make it more in tune with the general style of the movie.

There are some very interesting documentaries on for example the making of Pocahontas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way ford maintains consistency when so many people are working making their cars. Work is very compartmentalized. No one other than the creative direction roles has enough sway to steer the final product away from the coherent vision

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an art director and master style sheets that sets the design of each character and the general style for the movie.

Before 3D modelling it was also the norm that they had an entire department whose only job was cleaning up animations and (if necessary) redrawing some parts to make it more in tune with the general style of the movie.

There are some very interesting documentaries on for example the making of Pocahontas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an art director and master style sheets that sets the design of each character and the general style for the movie.

Before 3D modelling it was also the norm that they had an entire department whose only job was cleaning up animations and (if necessary) redrawing some parts to make it more in tune with the general style of the movie.

There are some very interesting documentaries on for example the making of Pocahontas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not about individual artistic expression, it’s about a communial unified vision set by directors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way ford maintains consistency when so many people are working making their cars. Work is very compartmentalized. No one other than the creative direction roles has enough sway to steer the final product away from the coherent vision

Anonymous 0 Comments

I imagine because the individual animators don’t just get to make whatever they want, someone higher up tells then what to animate and in what style.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way ford maintains consistency when so many people are working making their cars. Work is very compartmentalized. No one other than the creative direction roles has enough sway to steer the final product away from the coherent vision

Anonymous 0 Comments

I imagine because the individual animators don’t just get to make whatever they want, someone higher up tells then what to animate and in what style.

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