I had shoulder surgery yesterday. Prior to the procedure an anesthetist performed a nerve block. It’s been 16 hours and I still cannot feel or move my arm. I am just now starting to be able to wiggle my fingers.
I don’t understand how the anesthesia can last so long. I saw the needle with the medication and there really wasn’t much of it. How is the medication not quickly carried away from the injection site?
Thank you in advance!
In: 26
Can’t move it? Hmm… that’s a little funky, but could be the swelling.
I had shoulder surgery in April (Bicep Tenodesis and AC joint decompression) and they loaded me up with the nerve block; lasted like 24-36 hours, it was awesome until it wore off. I could move everything though, well as much as you want to right after surgery.
Sounds like yours is starting to wear off; have the pain meds ready. Probably by the end of today/tomorrow it’ll be worn off and you’ll be wishing it was still there.
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