how does a power nap work?


Why do we get so rested on just 10 minutes of sleep and why do we get the opposite effect if we sleep for a longer time?

In: 341

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each sleep cycle is around 90 minutes. Think of it as like building a large office building. They build the floor, wall, roof, AC ducts, etc.

If you get a full cylce 90minutes, you’ve got a nice working functional story to work in. But if you wake up say halfway through, you are going to have half finished wires everywhere, etc.

If it’s just 10 minutes you’ve got the benefit of building the floor, but haven’t started the wall, etc, so it’s much easier to come out refreshed from a 10minute nap, since it’s just some nice flooring you’ve done which can be useful. Compared to a longer nap of 45min or so in which case you have half finished walls everywhere.

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