How does a roomba find and follow a path to it’s dock?


I’m working on a robot that follows people for a school project and i was wondering how the roomba does it, and if maybe i could do the same thing on the robot.

Edit: i think my roomba doesn’t map out the rooms as it’s pretty old, but still finds the dock

In: 4

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I do not know this for certain, but I believe it creates an internal map of the room, using the dock as a fixed reference point. Imagine the layout of a living room from above. You can draw lines and create an x and y coordinate grid. Now make that room invisible except for a single dot on the floor. You can slowly map out the room by bumping into things and noting where on that x,y grid you are. Then you do some simple math to calculate the straight line distance back to the dot. Each bump is a new piece of data. Slowly but surely you build a map of every invisible wall and piece of furniture that is in that room. From there it’s a simply matter of using that saved map to navigate back to the dot each time.

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