how does a sign language interpreter deal with unfamiliar words?


Gameshow I’m watching just asked which citrus fruit is also known as a shaddock and, having never heard of it, wondered if the interpreter was in the same boat and had to spell it out or something

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30 Answers

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I taught computer security courses 20 years ago, when the field was young. When ASL interpreters were in the class, they generally had to make up words (r-sign going back and forth for “router”, for example). They kept a list of words they invented on paper so that if a different interpreter came in another day, they new one could use the same terminology.

What really made them suffer was the assembly language portion of the class. “eax”, “ebx”, “ecx”, “ebp” etc were names of registers used in assembly, and every time they were said, the interpreters had to spell them out. At one point they asked my subinstructor to pause a bit and slow down because their hands were getting too tired.

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