How Does a Tug-of-War Accident Sever Somebody’s Arms?


How Does a Tug-of-War Accident Sever Somebody’s Arms?

I recently learned that the game of tug-of-war can sever arms when the rope snaps. How is this possible? What does that look like? What physical mechanism makes this possible? Wouldn’t everybody just fall backwards?

In: 3426

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had a friend in 4th grade once stand on the end and wrapped the rope around his hand to have an advantage on the other team ( we were having an end of the year party for all grades from 1-5th) I forgot how many kids were on each end… all I know is that 2/3 minutes in…tugging our little hearts out… his whole hand just shredded/degloved…. A whole bunch of us were traumatized for a little while. He was in the hospital for a day and stayed home for a little while.

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