How Does a Tug-of-War Accident Sever Somebody’s Arms?


How Does a Tug-of-War Accident Sever Somebody’s Arms?

I recently learned that the game of tug-of-war can sever arms when the rope snaps. How is this possible? What does that look like? What physical mechanism makes this possible? Wouldn’t everybody just fall backwards?

In: 3426

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Remember at my kids primary school they had a parent tug of war. Stupidly mid way through they encouraged more parents to get involved. Rope snapped (was a thick cotton rope) and hit a woman in the neck. Caused massive bruising but thankfully no long term damage. They never did another tug of war after that. Could have been so much worse if it had been a different type of rope.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had a friend in 4th grade once stand on the end and wrapped the rope around his hand to have an advantage on the other team ( we were having an end of the year party for all grades from 1-5th) I forgot how many kids were on each end… all I know is that 2/3 minutes in…tugging our little hearts out… his whole hand just shredded/degloved…. A whole bunch of us were traumatized for a little while. He was in the hospital for a day and stayed home for a little while.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another highly improbable fear entered my life.

No more arm wrestling, now more tug of war. What’s next?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is this a commonly known thing? I’m having a real TiL moment over here

Reading the comments is nightmare fuel I didn’t expect this morning.