how does a virus actually kill you?


how does a virus actually kill you?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of fun ways!

Certain viruses might infect your lungs, causing the tissue to be inflamed until you suffocate. Others might cause that same tissue to secrete fluids until you’re lungs fill and you drown. Other viruses might infect your brain, causing damage and eventual loss of function until you die. Some trigger your immune system into basically nuking itself trying to get rid of the virus and killing your own cells in the process.

There are tons of viruses that all work different ways, way more than I could list here, but the basics are simple: Infect a cell, inject the virus’s genetic code so that the body’s cell makes more of the virus instead of doing what it’s supposed to, and the explode the cell when it’s full, releasing all the new viruses. Most viruses evolved to _not_ kill their victims, as it allows them to spread better, but become dangerous when say, a virus that evolved to not kill a cow jumps to humans.

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