How does a well work? Is there a finite amount of water in a drinking well? Why is it okay to drink? Do they somehow replenish water or if they dry up that is it?


How does a well work? Is there a finite amount of water in a drinking well? Why is it okay to drink? Do they somehow replenish water or if they dry up that is it?

In: 162

14 Answers

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Ground water can be at quite a low level in a lot of places.
Just dig a hole a few metres (a few more feet, i dont know…) down and your hole will start to fill with water soon enough.
Take out a few buckets and soon enough, the level will rise again to “ground water level”

Its ground water so usually not contaminated by much.
The ground is actually quite a decent filtration device.
Just make sure to keep animals from falling into your well (by covering it with a lid)
And of course its all within reason.
No well has water we’d consider extremely clean.
Its usually just “safe enough” but better to boil it first

During long periods of drought, the ground water level may fall and the well may run dry.
If the water level rises, so does the well refill.
But if your local farmers dig a canal to water their crops, the well may run dry more permanently.

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