Imagine a never-ending “heave-ho” game of Tug-of-War (with an impossibly-long impossibly-stiff impossibly-light impossibly-strong rod instead of a rope).
One team pulls it a foot to the left, then the other team pulls it back a foot to the right, then the other team pulls it back to the left, then to the right, and so on and so forth, ceaselessly.
If that impossibly-long rod passes by your house, it’ll still be “heave-ho”-ing a-foot-to-the-left, foot-to-the-right, foot-to-the-left, foot-to-the-right, etc. even if you’re miles away from the competitors themselves. You could totally find a way to attach a saw or a butter-churn or *something* to get some useful work outta that movement even if that tiny “section of rod” in your yard never actually leaves the yard.
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