how does ADHD medication work?


how does ADHD medication work?

In: 169

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot of good answers here, but I’ll give the shorter version as it was explained to me, who was not a 5 year old but pre-medication had the attention span of one.

There is a part of your brain that keeps other parts of your brain in control: keeps you focussed on a task, allows you to pay attention, and be able to not follow each thread of thought every time it surfaces, that sort of thing.

If you have ADD, that management part of your brain that is lazy and doesn’t do its job, which means the rest of your brain just goes off in all directions. Taking the medication kicks that management part into action and allows the rest of the thinking to happen in a more focussed way.

Think of a kindergarden class with a bad teacher who doesn’t know how to do classroom management to the same class with a really good, active, attentive, teacher and can somehow direct the class into proper action. The class is the same, the management is different. ADD meds change the first teacher to the second one.

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