how does ADHD medication work?


how does ADHD medication work?

In: 169

20 Answers

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First you need to imagine stimulation axis.

< -5 —— 0 —— 5 >

When normal person take stimulants, let’s pretend it ads 5 points of stimulation, his/her stimulation goes from 0 to +5 so it’s more stimulated than before.

But neutral value of person with ADHD is being understimulated so when taking drugs it goes from -5 to 0, therefore that person start to behave like normal person without any drugs.

This understimulation state makes a ADHD person constantly bored and trying to do multiple things at once but every one of it gets super boring just after a while. Sometimes minutes, sometimes days. That’s why ADHD person starts new hobby regularly and abandon it after 2 weeks.

This is common misconception because, H in ADHD stands for hyperactivity so most people assume those people are overstimulated but ADHD person is really understimulated.

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