How does adult onset Type I diabetes work? Is it “burnout” of the body’s ability to make insulin? Why isn’t it noticed sooner? Does good lifestyle prevent symptom development?


How does adult onset Type I diabetes work? Is it “burnout” of the body’s ability to make insulin? Why isn’t it noticed sooner? Does good lifestyle prevent symptom development?

In: 353

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My completely laymen, nothing but speculation, seriously I’m not a doctor or a scientist, theory of my diagnosis in my 30s was the Atkins diet. Was going to get married and she suggested that we do the diet. She actually read the book and we were taking all the supplements and doing the other stuff, not just avoiding carbs.

After we got married, we both dropped the diet and pigged out at Disney World. Shortly after that, we moved to Australia and I kept losing weight. Starting having symptoms that I didn’t recognize till after the fact and eventually I passed out at work. I got to experience how much better socialized medicine is. I think that being on the Atkins diet was my trigger.

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