How does adult onset Type I diabetes work? Is it “burnout” of the body’s ability to make insulin? Why isn’t it noticed sooner? Does good lifestyle prevent symptom development?


How does adult onset Type I diabetes work? Is it “burnout” of the body’s ability to make insulin? Why isn’t it noticed sooner? Does good lifestyle prevent symptom development?

In: 353

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two of my great grandmothers were diagnosed after having four and five children, respectively. I don’t know if there were other triggers, but pregnancy can do it. By coincidence, they both died the year before insulin treatment became available. None of those nine children ever developed diabetes, but it did appear in the next generation where it again was diagnosed in adulthood (those were guys; pregnancy wasn’t the trigger. But something was).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its actually the immune system attacking the pancreas beta cells. They don’t really know why it happens or how to prevent it.

Had a bad cold almost flu like at age 42. One night I woke up multiple times dying of thirst, and then of course needed to pee 30 minutes later. Woke up the next morning and my near vision was all blurry. A buddy at work was Type 2 and gave me his meter to test. Welcome to diabetes!!

Anonymous 0 Comments

So what type of diabetes causes low blood sugar? I had felt so sick one day, so nauseated and lightheaded. I stopped and got 2 donuts on my way to work. Changed course and went to the hospital instead. It was about 45 mins between eating the donuts and the physician asking me if I was diabetic. I said no. They took my blood sugar and it was 40. They handed me 2 orange juice to drink right then and a couple snacks. Took my blood sugar 20 mins later and it was 60. Handed me 2 more OJ and more snacks and I left. (I didn’t have insurance and it was a private hospital)