How does anaerobic activity “not use oxygen” if you’re breathing very heavily when you do it?


How does anaerobic activity “not use oxygen” if you’re breathing very heavily when you do it?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Demand is exceeding supply. Its not that you aren’t getting oxygen, you aren’t getting enough to the areas that need it. So they do something else to make do in the mean time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fast twitch muscles perform mainly anaerobic metabolism. If those fibers are activated, the oxygen levels on your blood don’t change that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During intense activity the muscles can’t get enough oxygen to the body to burn energy efficiently. It instead continues to burn energy in a way that keeps you going but only for shorter periods. This inefficient method creates a product called Lactic Acid. Lactic Acid is the burning sensation you get in your legs when running. To clear that lactic acid from the body the you still need oxygen to turn the lactic acid into something the body can move away from the muscles.

Therefore despite your muscles being able to function with not enough oxygen, eventually that oxygen debt you build up needs to be repaid through heavy breathing after the exercise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re doing anaerobic activity, your muscles use up oxygen faster than your body can supply it, so you begin to breathe heavily in order to get more oxygen into your system. However, because you’re not getting enough oxygen to supply your muscles, your body creates energy by burning sugars and carbohydrates instead of oxygen. This produces lactic acid which causes your muscles to feel sore after doing anaerobic activity.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How does door not be a door if you aren’t using a door? That is basically what you are asking.

You are breathing heavily to get as much oxygen in and as much CO2 out as possible… it’s just not enough. So your body relies on these other means.

Anonymous 0 Comments

more like, body has inadequate supply of oxygen for the output required, go anaerobic or else get killed by the bear/tiger/mugger.

the result is lactic acid, that burning sensation that tells you to stop going so hard.

Anonymous 0 Comments

you are gonig into anaerobic breathing because even at your max capacity you still arent being supplied enough oxygen to keep your muscles running at that rate.

the process itself is much less efficient but the body doesnt discriminate where its getting its energy from.