How does, at the point right after male orgasm, genital stimulation go from pleasurable to not when the nerves are being stimulated in the exact same way?


How does, at the point right after male orgasm, genital stimulation go from pleasurable to not when the nerves are being stimulated in the exact same way?

In: 6806

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Food look yummy when tummy empty. Food look bad when tummy full.

It’s not about the stimulation of the nerves but rather the higher cortical interpretations of said stimulation. Same way you dont get excited when your pants rub against your genitals vs a booty (or anything that you “interpret” as hot time)

Edit: to clarify; what happens is that the post nut brain says enough with sexy stimulus and temporarily inhibits the spinal neurons from depolarizing and sending more signals in which case you only start to feel the uncomfortable sensations from repeted pressure and friction. Also keeping the erection itself is painful as it causes a relative ischemia in the penis by not letting blood drain away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To expand on the food analogy someone posted earlier…

It makes evolutionary sense for you to eat food so you get nutrition and survive. So your body sends you pleasure when you eat food. However, if you eat too much food at a rate you can’t digest it, you’ll throw up. Throwing up defeats the survival benefit of gaining nutrition. Hence your body sends you “full” signals (combination of nerves firing and hormone production) so you stop eating food once you have enough.

From an evolutionary perspective, you also need to reproduce. Your body sends you pleasure when you have sex so you keep doing it until ejaculation happens. For men, further thrusting beyond ejaculation is just going to damage or dislodge his sperm, reducing the likelihood of successful fertilisation of the egg. Hence, body switches nerve and hormone signals from pleasure to pain (and sleepy hormones) so men stop thrusting.

However, for women, the more semen deposits, the higher the chance of successful fertilisation of the egg, which for most women can only occur in a short time interval each month. Hence, women can keep having sex (ideally from different male partners) and gaining pleasure, to best take advantage of a limited time window.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Monkey brain release chemicals blocking endorphins after orgasm or else humans would only want to mate since it’s be a constant source of feel good juice

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Clearly it’s not common knowledge that it can be the same for women! Or I’ve just lucked out so far (although reading the comments here, I’m not the only woman in this case)

The clit does not like extras right after orgasm.

Tell your friends!

Edit: or maybe I’m missing out…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prolactin. Thst hormone is secreted right after cumming (usually). That causes hypersensitivity and losing sexual desire. That makes you don’t want to keep fucking and it makes you sleepy, something you might already know. The effect varies from every individual from dudes thst it wears off in 5 minutes, an hour or even a full day. Some lucky guys don’t produce this at all and can have multiple orgasms one after the other and don’t go limp. It’s the prolactin. I can’t find the study but they had a dude cumming like 5 times and he had low or no prolactin levels

Edit. Found the study