How does audio reversal work?


Does it flip each byte? im confused…

In: Engineering

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you record audio, the signal is just a sequence of numbers. For example, 1, 0.73, 2.3, 1.1, etc… Each number represents the amplitude (or strength) of the signal.

To play back the audio data, you must know the sampling rate (or speed) at which it was recorded. The minimum sampling rate typically used is 8000 Hz meaning 8000 data points per second (and is typically used for landline phones I believe). A common sampling rate for music and video is 44.1 kH (44100 data points per second).

To play audio in reverse, play the last number of the signal first, then the second to last, then third to last, etc… at the sampling rate the data was recorded.

Digitally, those number are represented by bits, but a single number might require multiple bits to represent. So, you couldn’t just flip the bits.