how does being ‘desensitised’ to something actually happen?


I unfortunately look a lot older than what I am, and because of that, I’ve experienced a lot of people online making fun of any picture of me that was posted online, I’ve also had people making very derogatory comments about me and my age online too. At first these comments shattered my self esteem and gave me depression.

However now, after two years, these comments don’t bother me at all. They have no affect on me. Sometimes, I respond to the comments with my own age-related, self depreciative jokes. The comments don’t make me sad, angry or ashamed anymore.

How did my brain go from feeling depressed and ashamed reading these comments online to my current “I don’t really care lol” state of mind?

In: 73

42 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s really simple – experience.

It’s not unrealted to why we fear the unknown. Because when we learn how something bears out and it doesn’t go as bad as planned, the effect goes away. I used to have a fear of the dentist after a particular brutal school dentist wrecked my mouth as a kid. But I got a good dentist who cleared the fear up instantly.

Simply because you were worried about those people making fun of you and you naturally thought they had a point. Of course, over time you found out they didn’t have a point and what they said didn’t matter one bit. So you discarded this as rubbish.

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