how does canning/preserving stop a substance from “aging?”


Is it mostly a matter of just depriving the contents of oxygen? Why does that work?

In: 33

4 Answers

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Its about taking some food that can be a source of nutrition for you in the right conditions. Yet making it not useful to other organisms. Think of fencing off a chicken coop. You keep out the foxes. Fencing a garden will keep deer out, etc. In this case, we are canning food and “fencing” out bacteria. But they are soo small that you cant fence them out entirely, so we do stuff that kills it as well. That is going to be heat/acid/salt which will keep bad stuff out.

Pickling is a bit different, you do all of that. Heat, salt, etc. But why do pickles taste like pickles? A certain type of bacteria is left after heat and salt. So, part of the taste of pickles comes from certain bacteria waste which isnt bad for us. Life is crazy.

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