how does car reliability vary between brands

138 viewsEngineeringOther

Ok, I understand a lot is owner maintenance, but, like, they are making the same basic thing and molding parts, unless the molds are wildly off or drills to put in screws don’t work (less of the occasional bad unit that will just happen), how does reliability vary so much between brands when they should all be building the same thing. Did the Americans just not care if stuff was tightened down or out of spec?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know how some stuff at the dollar store just falls apart but the same type of item from walmart lasts a little longer and costs a little but the one from your favorite store lasts a long longer but costs way more? Well sometimes car makers use parts that are dollar store quality so they can save money because they think it will last as long as the walmart part. Sometimes the part does, sometimes it doesn’t. When you guess right, you make more money. When you guess wrong, you don’t. Some companies like to keep guessing, some companies try to only use walmart parts.

A lot of it is also perception. There is an big difference between how reliable a brand is versus how reliable people think it is.

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