– How does cellular signal reach me behind so many walls?

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I understand that radio waves pass through certain material (eg concrete walls), and hence we can receive cellular signals when in an apartment

However lets say I stay in a lower level of a high rise apartment (eg level 3 of a 50 storey tall building) – how does the radio waves penetrate so many walls to reach me? Does the amount of material not matter in this case?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You may know that the electromagnetic spectrum is generally chopped up into sections based on the energy or wavelength of the wave (more energy = shorter wavelength). Really short, high frequency waves like gamma or X-rays are generally thought of as harmful because they get absorbed by almost everything they hit. Light gets absorbed by a lot of stuff, but some materials like glass let the light pass through. Sound operates similarly: high pitched noises don’t travel as far as low-pitched noises. Whale song (extremely low wavelength) can be heard across entire oceans. All waves generally work like this.

Radio waves are the section of the electromagnetic spectrum with very ~~low~~ long wavelength, and we use them for communication for exactly this reason. We don’t need a super “bright” wave that does anything on its own. Our devices are just amplifying waves of a certain wavelength and then translating it (into sound or a text message or something). We also use radio waves because they don’t get absorbed very much by most material. Really thick glass looks distorted, and radio signal can be distorted by really thick slabs of concrete or metal or even a ton of trees, but still it’s generally able to penetrate most materials. The long wavelength lets it bounce around really well too.

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