how does cheese and yogurt not give us food poisoning?


how does cheese and yogurt not give us food poisoning?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are thousands, if not millions, of different strains of bacteria on this planet. Of these, only a small handful of these actually cause diseases in humans. Even without yogurt or cheese, you are consuming literally millions, if not billions, of bacteria cells every single day and they don’t make you sick because they don’t infect humans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all bacteria are harmful. Some of them are pretty beneficial to us. Over the course of countless generations, we’ve learned plenty of ways to use those good strains of bacteria to preserve food.

As long as the food we’re trying to preserve is kept in a clean environment, we can control which kinds of bacteria get into it. Once a good strain of bacteria has had a chance to get established, it’s harder for the harmful strains to get into the food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are thousands, if not millions, of different strains of bacteria on this planet. Of these, only a small handful of these actually cause diseases in humans. Even without yogurt or cheese, you are consuming literally millions, if not billions, of bacteria cells every single day and they don’t make you sick because they don’t infect humans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all bacteria are harmful. Some of them are pretty beneficial to us. Over the course of countless generations, we’ve learned plenty of ways to use those good strains of bacteria to preserve food.

As long as the food we’re trying to preserve is kept in a clean environment, we can control which kinds of bacteria get into it. Once a good strain of bacteria has had a chance to get established, it’s harder for the harmful strains to get into the food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all bacteria is bad, in fact you have a lot of bacteria living in your colon right now that you need to digest food properly.

Humans have found ways to use *good* bacteria and fungi to preserve food. We couldn’t make bread, beer, cheese, or yogurt without them.

The very process of making cheese actually turns the milk into a hostile environment for *bad* bacteria

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all bacteria is bad, in fact you have a lot of bacteria living in your colon right now that you need to digest food properly.

Humans have found ways to use *good* bacteria and fungi to preserve food. We couldn’t make bread, beer, cheese, or yogurt without them.

The very process of making cheese actually turns the milk into a hostile environment for *bad* bacteria