How does chicken egg laying work?


Like how can they get chickens to lay eggs so systematically?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Like with other domesticated animals they’ve been bred for the desired trait. There are chicken breeds for both growing very fast and laying a lot of eggs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just like a human egg but it has shell for protection. It’s just an unfertilized nucleus until a rooster comes and sprays the egg with it’s semen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First the inside of the egg forms in the chicken and then the shell around it. They lay unfertilized eggs for the same reason women have periods.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wait….so the rooster just spays semen over the egg to fertilize it? There’s no actual mating happening? Is it like that for all birds?

How am I 40 and just learning this?