How does constant exercise strengthen instead of wearing down the body?


The more miles you drive a car, the more prone it is to breaking down or having mechanical issues. I’m struggling to see how constant exercise like daily 5 mile runs doesn’t add “wear and tear” to the body.

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9 Answers

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Your body was engineered by nature to be used, not to sit around eight hours a day for thirty years straight. When your heart and skeletal muscles aren’t used on a regular basis they start to weaken, because muscle takes energy to maintain and if you aren’t using it, you’re going to lose it. Having a weaker heart has an obvious impact on your health, but if you have a weak back or weak legs lifting injuries can occur much more easily.

If you aren’t overweight and you use appropriate gear you can minimize joint damage from higher impact sports, but there are other ways of exercising that aren’t as hard on your joints, like cycling.

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