How does constant exercise strengthen instead of wearing down the body?


The more miles you drive a car, the more prone it is to breaking down or having mechanical issues. I’m struggling to see how constant exercise like daily 5 mile runs doesn’t add “wear and tear” to the body.

In: 7

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Exercise does not directly strengthen your body. It wears down the body. Every time you exercise, you are causing tiny amounts of damage to your body in various ways.

What’s strengthening you is *your own body*.

Our body has the mechanisms to build up muscle, strengthen bone, etc. However, our bodies are “lazy” – by default, the systems conserve as much energy as they can.

If we had magic control over our cell mechanisms, we could just tell our body to “grow muscle” and it would do that. But we don’t have that kind of perfect control.

What we do instead is activate the body’s signals. When you exercise, the body will “detect” that – and respond by spending energy to build up the affected muscles etc.

Cars, of course, have nothing like that; there’s no system inside of a car that constantly rebuilds it.

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