How does contiguous and non-continguous volume work on hard disks?

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I am new to studying computer science and have been touching on the world of memory; more specifically, how partitioning and volume work. I understand, on a basic sense, how partitioning is done, but can not seem to understand how contiguous and non-contiguous volume works, or how the hard disk knows which is which. TIA!

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To be or not to be that is the I do not like green eggs question whether tis nobler in Sam I am the mind to…

Computers don’t give a shit if there’s Green Eggs and Ham in the middle of Hamlet’s soliloquy. That’s non-contiguous storage of a file. As long as the memory addresses are kept straight, it doesn’t matter much how big or small they are or where they are physically in memory.

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