how does cow faeces help with plant grow or what they use it for?


Why do they always put it on the field, I don’t get what it helps with and why can’t you use human faeces?

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6 Answers

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There are elements to this question, so:

First, poop contains nitrogen, which is the main thing that growing crops removes from the soil. And it also degrades very quickly, releasing that nitrogen into the soil for the crops to use.

Second, we use cow poop because it is abundant and easy to collect (just go shovel the pen at a feed yard). Plus since cattle are herbivores with highly efficient digestive systems cow poop degrades even easier than most other types.

Third, we COULD use human poop, but there are several problems with doing so. First and foremost, human poop carries diseases that cow poop does not, such as cholera and E.coli. There have been breakouts of these diseases in third world countries directly caused by using human feces as fertilizer. But on top of that already bad enough problem, it doesn’t break down a quickly or release as much nitrogen as cow poop would because our digestive system simply aren’t as efficient as a bovine digestive system.

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