how does cow faeces help with plant grow or what they use it for?


Why do they always put it on the field, I don’t get what it helps with and why can’t you use human faeces?

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6 Answers

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Cow manure contains all the nutrients that the cow were unable to digest. Either because it takes a lot of time to digest it, such as long chain fat, fiber, cellulose and lignin, but bacteria, fungi and insects are able to digest it over a longer time and give it back to the plants. Or it is minerals which the cow does not need much of such as phosphorous but which the plants needs lots of.

When the manure is spread on the field the bacteria, fungi and various protozoa, worms, insect larvae, etc. start digesting the manure. This makes the nutrition more easily accessible so that plant roots can absorb it and make big strong plants. In addition all this soil life is able to better get nutrition from sand, clay or the air giving an additional boost to the plant nutrition.

You can use manure from any animal, including humans. And human feces is used as fertilizer to some limited extent. However pathogen causing diseases tends to stay within the same species. So if you use human excrement to fertilize a field then it might have pathogens which are harmful to humans. So you need to take some extra percussion.

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