How does CPR work?


How does CPR work?

In: 2

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

CPR (when done correctly) pumps your blood for you by pressing on your heart through your chest.
It should fracture or break ribs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During cardiac arrest , the heart is not beating therefore no blood is circulating throughout your body. The idea of CPR is to compress the heart hard enough to cause blood flow, particularly to your brain. Neurons have very low energy Reserves, and are very susceptible to damage from lack of oxygen. Interrupting blood flow for even a short period of time can result in neuron death, so the goal of CPR is to prevent this while attempts are made to restore a regular heartbeat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not like in the movies.

When you perform CPR, you take over the job of making the heart “beat”.

Normally, the heart beats by (basically) squeezing itself periodically. As it beats, some valves open and shut, so the blood gets pumped through the arteries and the rest of the body.

Without constant movement of blood, a person dies very quickly from lack of oxygen.

If the heart stops beating properly, the person will likely collapse and become unresponsive. When you do CPR properly, you squeeze the heart periodically, and the valves do their trick, and blood keeps going around the body, keeping it alive.

The right medical treatment can sometimes (depending on exactly what went wrong) kick-start the heart into beating properly again. Without CPR, that medical treatment might arrive too late.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CPR (when done correctly) pumps your blood for you by pressing on your heart through your chest.
It should fracture or break ribs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

During cardiac arrest , the heart is not beating therefore no blood is circulating throughout your body. The idea of CPR is to compress the heart hard enough to cause blood flow, particularly to your brain. Neurons have very low energy Reserves, and are very susceptible to damage from lack of oxygen. Interrupting blood flow for even a short period of time can result in neuron death, so the goal of CPR is to prevent this while attempts are made to restore a regular heartbeat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not like in the movies.

When you perform CPR, you take over the job of making the heart “beat”.

Normally, the heart beats by (basically) squeezing itself periodically. As it beats, some valves open and shut, so the blood gets pumped through the arteries and the rest of the body.

Without constant movement of blood, a person dies very quickly from lack of oxygen.

If the heart stops beating properly, the person will likely collapse and become unresponsive. When you do CPR properly, you squeeze the heart periodically, and the valves do their trick, and blood keeps going around the body, keeping it alive.

The right medical treatment can sometimes (depending on exactly what went wrong) kick-start the heart into beating properly again. Without CPR, that medical treatment might arrive too late.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other people have explained the mechanicsm of chest compressions, but just an extra note is that the heart is an incredibly impressive organ and can just start itself back up again without any medical intervention. It can completely stop and then just start again. And actually, that’s what you’re relying on in the meditation.

We don’t have drugs that can make a non-beating heart beat again. Sometimes the heart will beat erratically, and different Chambers can beat at different times resulting in really poor blood flow. Medical intervention (including defibrillators) are designed to stop the heart, not restart it. If you stop the heart, then you’ve stopped the hearts erratic and uncontrolled rhythm. And the hope is that once stopped, the heart will restart itself with a regular rhythm.

CPR is meant to delay brain death (which would otherwise happen in only a few minutes) while you wait for that to happen, medically induced or otherwise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CPR uses chest compressions to mimic how the heart pumps. These compressions help keep blood flowing throughout the body. Cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. A heart attack happens when blood flow to the heart is blocked.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other people have explained the mechanicsm of chest compressions, but just an extra note is that the heart is an incredibly impressive organ and can just start itself back up again without any medical intervention. It can completely stop and then just start again. And actually, that’s what you’re relying on in the meditation.

We don’t have drugs that can make a non-beating heart beat again. Sometimes the heart will beat erratically, and different Chambers can beat at different times resulting in really poor blood flow. Medical intervention (including defibrillators) are designed to stop the heart, not restart it. If you stop the heart, then you’ve stopped the hearts erratic and uncontrolled rhythm. And the hope is that once stopped, the heart will restart itself with a regular rhythm.

CPR is meant to delay brain death (which would otherwise happen in only a few minutes) while you wait for that to happen, medically induced or otherwise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CPR uses chest compressions to mimic how the heart pumps. These compressions help keep blood flowing throughout the body. Cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. A heart attack happens when blood flow to the heart is blocked.