How does Deep Freeze spray/gel work? Does it have the same effect as putting ice on the muscle, by withdrawing heat from it, or is it some chemically made artificial cooling sensation?


How does Deep Freeze spray/gel work? Does it have the same effect as putting ice on the muscle, by withdrawing heat from it, or is it some chemically made artificial cooling sensation?

In: 1156

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My doctor froze the points of injection for my cortisone shots just inside my shoulder blades. I never felt the poke. It was incredible. Very cold, but it worked wonders.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Does this have any benefits for recovery other than pain relief? I’m so confused on what I should be doing for recovery after I go for runs or do a bunch of manual labour.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It overrides the pain receptors, so the actual pain stimulus can not send the “pain signal” to you brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you have nerves at the muscle sending messages that the brain interprets as “hey there is pain here”

My basic understanding of these types of products is they more or less provide a strong stimulus to the nerves (the cooling sensation). Now some of the nerves are changing their message from sensing pain to sensing cool. It more or less distracts the nerves from sending messages of pain back to the brain and rather messages saying “hey it feels cool here”. The less pain messages the brain gets, the less painful the affected muscle or area may feel.

This does not heal the injury. It just (may) provide temporary pain relief.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deep Freeze uses peppermint oil (previously levomenthol, but they reformulated due to changes in the law). This causes a sensation of coolness without an actual lowering in temperature. However the body reacts in a similar way, by reducing blood flow to the affected area, so it does cause a reduction in swelling similar to if an actual ice pack had been used.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Deep freeze is a process where they evaporate all moisture from the food and then freeze it, makes it extremely difficult for bacteria to thrive when theres nothing to drink. Also this might be freeze dried not deep freeze so correct me if I’m wrong.