How does diabetes cause a toe or foot to be lost?


Really random question but it just confuses me how it ends up causing someone to lose a body part

In: 9014

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Uncontrolled blood sugar causes damage to your blood vessels which prevents certain parts of your body to not receive the nutrients they need. This causes them to be at risk of dying due to loss of blood supply. High blood sugar also damages your nerves,so you lose feeling and without realizing it,you get cuts on your feet which you don’t feel. This causes bacteria to enter and high blood sugar also stops your immune system from working properly. Now you have an area where you aren’t receiving any sensation,that area isn’t receiving adequate supply of blood and that area is getting infected and now the infection is spreading upwards. The easy solution for this is to amputate above in order to prevent the spread of the infection.

Edit 1: I thought I was being unnecessarily praised for answering the question simply until I read other comments and realized how everyone answered the questions in a manner that can only easily make sense for people who are in the medical field like me. Thank you for the upvotes.❤️❤️❤️

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