– How does Diabetes work?


Just confused.. Is one person prone to diabetes just because they eat Sweets? Would it be genetic? At what age should one start testing for the same? I’m very confused because I love to eat Ice Creams but every post I see on social media regarding sweets, Everyone keeps commenting Welcome Diabetes. I’m 20M for reference.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you are not producing insulin or are developing an insulin resistance then you have diabetes. People who are overweight have a higher potential to become insulin resistant or to not produce enough insulin to be effective in removing the sugar in their blood.

If you have an access of sugar building up inside of your body it starts to destroy your organs.

So diabetes is one of those things where the worse it gets the worse it gets.

The more overweight you become or the more inactive to become the higher your resistance to insulin becomes the more likely you were to have sugars built inside your system the more likely you are to destroy your internal organs.

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