How does drinking a glass of water whenever you don’t feel well make you feel better(is it even real?)


How does drinking a glass of water whenever you don’t feel well make you feel better(is it even real?)

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Uhm… it does not. Who claims this?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Extremely Generally – having someone who is sick keep their fluids high helps flush out bad toxins or dilute them such that the kidneys can function better.

Generally sick people tend to drink less too so this exacerbates the issue.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the human equivalent of power cycling an electronic device: often effective and with virtually no downside. It may not help with every problem, but it’s a good first step in “troubleshooting.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

It can be pretty easy to get dehydrated, and the symptoms of dehydration do not feel good. If someone is generally feeling bad and we don’t know why, it usually can’t hurt to start with water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you all, I guess it makes sense. It’s not a solution to every problem but it also doesn’t hurt so it’s the first thing people end up doing since at best it helps and at worst it does nothing.