how does drugs and alcohol makes you do bad things?


So I was listening to some criminal stories, and notice that most killers are either high on drugs or intoxicated when they do something bad like killing and rape. I wonder what does drugs and alcohol do to make you do those things?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Drugs and alcohol can impair your judgment and decision-making abilities, which can lead to bad behavior. For example, alcohol can make you more impulsive and less inhibited, which can increase the likelihood that you will engage in risky or dangerous behavior. Drugs can also alter your mood and perception, which can make you more likely to act out of anger, aggression, or fear.

In some cases, drugs and alcohol can also lead to psychosis, which is a mental disorder that can cause hallucinations and delusions. This can make you more likely to act in a way that is harmful to yourself or others.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They make you think bad stuff or make you believe you are capable of doing bad stuff and getting away with it, that’s why when people are drunk they say mean things

Anonymous 0 Comments

However functional you are as a ‘person’ when sober includes your understanding of action/consequence. Drugs and alcohol break your model and users under such influence revert to habit/emotion that they otherwise wouldn’t. Most people don’t commit crimes when drunk, but you won’t read about that because nothing happened.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Drugs and alcohol cause people to lose their inhibitions – meaning that it makes you let go of the voice that holds you back from saying or doing things you naturally would do if you weren’t thinking about the repercussions of it. Creating a false sense of confidence and stopping the voice in your head that tells you right from wrong

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol lowers inhibitions. Everyone has impulses to do bad things (flirt with a married person, punch the bouncer, etc…) but they don’t do those things because of the negative consequences that would come from doing them. Alcohol makes you kind of forget about the negative consequences.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Especially with alcohol, substsnces often dissolve social inhibitions which normally check undesirable behavioir before it happens. In a way, alcohol makes us truer versions of ourselves, the persons we are when we don’t care about inconveniences like rules or consequences.

Some people become the jerks which brew just below the surface, but are usually suppressed when sober. Others people just chill, because that’s who they are.