How does electrical ground work? Why does electricity want to travel to the earth, which doesn’t seem particularly conductive?


Some additional questions I have to further understanding:

Ships don’t have ground, but why couldn’t electricity on a ship ground to the ocean the same way houses ground to the earth?

A structure will have a grounding rod dug into the earth. Does the dirt, soil, and rock composition that the structure is built on affect how willing current is to use the path?

In: 77

30 Answers

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“Ground” is just a huge volume of mass that is in electrical equilibrium with itself everywhere. Basically, like how water flows downhill until it finds an ocean (the place where all the other molecules have the same energy from gravity), excited electrons keep passing on their excitement until they find a place where they lose it to the crowd. They used to be “Uphill” and now they are down here at sea level with everything else.

electrical ground is just sea level for gravity. Everything shares the energy equally.

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