How does exactly planting trees helps the environment? Is it possible that planting too many trees without planning it carefully would lead to bad consequences?


How does exactly planting trees helps the environment? Is it possible that planting too many trees without planning it carefully would lead to bad consequences?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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Having trees in urban environments decreases rain run off and therefore flooding downstream and helps shade lower buildings (decreasing the need for air conditioning). They also prevent wind from removing top soil and other nutrients that we prefer to stay in one place. They also encourage animals, improving the biodiversity of the area.

The problem with planting too many trees haphazardly can create issues of competition where the trees are battling each other for space and nutrients. Another issue with poor planning occurs when only one type of tree is planted, which leads to mass deforestation if a virus or pest attacks them. An example is the mountain ash which was once the only tree planted on suburban boulevards (when I was a kid). The ash borer came through and wiped out almost all of them (and the rest were cut down proactively). A mixture of trees may or may not prevent further pests from spreading, but it wouldn’t lead to an entire area from being decimated.

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