How does exercise strengthen the body but getting sick doesn’t?


I believe exercise damages much of your body in small doses which get stronger after rest. But doesn’t getting sick do the same thing? Shouldn’t you get stronger after getting sick? And if not why do extroverts live longer? Wouldn’t they be exposed to more illness and have decreased lifespan?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So your immune system does get stronger but it’s like specific to THAT sickness or such you had so if you come into contact with that EXACT one again it’s like oh yea I got this. But if a new or different sickness hits your body has to figure it out.

Also you will still get some symptoms as it’s bodies way of getting rid of stuff, the goal of immune is you not DYING from sickness

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not working the same parts of your body or in the same way. For instance, you work out so you use your lungs. If you push them to their limit, your body signals that it needs stronger lungs to keep up with demand.

If you get sick, you’ve got viruses replicating inside your cells and releasing toxic byproducts. Your body signals to turn down normal metabolic processes and turn up features to destroy infected cells and capture their byproducts.

You do get stronger at fighting that specific illness for next time though. So you’re partly right.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Your strength increases in response to the type of damage done from exercise, under the assumption that you will need to be doing more of it in the future. There’s different chemical signalling going on as a result of exercise that affects this. Practically you don’t actually need to exercise hard enough to cause said damage, and overdoing it gives worse results cause your body also needs to heal.

Increasing strength in response to other types of damage such as that from sickness would just be a waste of resources so your body doesn’t bother.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a few key differences between exercise and illness that help to explain why one can lead to increased strength while the other does not.

When we exercise, we cause controlled damage to our muscles. This damage is then repaired by our body, making the muscles stronger in the process. However, when we get sick, our bodies are fighting an uncontrolled invasion of foreign agents (viruses, bacteria, etc.), which can often result in widespread damage. While our bodies do repair this damage eventually, it is not typically targeted at specific muscle groups like it is with exercise-related injuries.

Additionally, extroverts may be more likely to take care of themselves and have healthier lifestyles overall, which could help them fend off illnesses more effectively. They may also have larger social networks that provide support and assistance during times of need – both of which can lead to better health outcomes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>And if not why do extroverts live longer? Wouldn’t they be exposed to more illness and have decreased lifespan?

You’re conflating two different things. There’s many different factors that can affect average lifespans, trying to pit it down to transmitted illnesses alone isn’t the full picture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The microtears your muscles sustain from hard exercise are more of a byproduct. They are not the reason your body gets stronger after exercise.

When you exercise, your body releases hormones. One of them is growth hormone. It tells your body to strengthen its muscles and other tissues. Growth hormone also changes your blood vessels. You can think of it as making your vascular system stronger/more efficient.