Fantasy sports, including baseball, basketball, American football, Soccer/football, etc. basically all work on the same principle. Before each season participants join leagues, say a group of 8 friends might form a league. The people in a given league participate in a draft where they take turns picking different players to fill out an imaginary team. Usually there are requirements or limits on how many players of each position they can choose.
Then during the season before each game the fantasy participants set their lineup. Participants are matched up with different opponents each week. The participants gain points based on the real performance of the sports players, not just points scored but other criteria such as yards gained, tackles made, etc. The participant whose “team” scores the most points is the winner.
Why do people do it? For fun, for money, to make games where the team they don’t usually root for more interesting, etc. There’s lots of reasons and it’s different for each person. It’s no different than any other hobby in that sense.
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