how does fiber disappears when you blend the fruit?


how does fiber disappears when you blend the fruit?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you filter the product and leave the pulp behind you are effectively removing a significant amount of fiber.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you *blend* it, not much disappears. However, there are enzymes in your saliva that help break down food as you chew, so drinking a smoothie doesn’t always give you the exact same nutrients as eating whole fruit. You can “chew” your smoothie to mitigate this.

The place you lose the fiber is when you only drink the juice of a fruit, because the “pulp” is where the fiber is. Pure fruit juice is “natural”, but it’s hardly better than soda in many regards.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The important part of fiber in fruit is that it encapsulates the juice and sugar inside the structure of the fruit; that makes it harder to get at and you digest it more slowly.

Blend it and you break most of the cell walls, so it is digested very quickly.