How does file conversion work?


How do programs convert a file from one format to another?

The answer probably extremely varied so I’m sorry if im asking too broad a question.


Converting an file from OGG, which i honestly didnt really know existed, into MP3 takes seconds, but somehow in that time it changes the data around, and now it’s in MP3 format my editing program can use it.
There’s got to be more going on than just changing the suffix!


How does this work?

In: 1

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The exact process is different for every conversion, but you can think of it as translation. If you have a paragraph of text, you’ll read it in its original language A, extract its meaning, and then re-write it in language B. It’s the same message, represented differently so speakers of language B can work with it now.

Similarly, .ogg is one way to represent sound, and .mp3 is another. I don’t actually know the technical details of either file format, but ultimately they’re just instructions for a computer to produce music, formatted differently. If you do know those details, then you can translate one format into the other.

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