How does flashbangs even work?


Like how do they work? like please explain it to me

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6 Answers

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Flashbang is the colloquial name, they technical term is noise flash distraction device or NFDD for short.

The ones saying it is a pyrotechnic mix are spot on. It’s something like photoflash powder that makes the bang and the effect.

There’s more to the entire construction.

There is a percussion primer like on a regular grenade. Once you remove the pin and let the handle go, the percussion primer gets hit by a spring loaded mechanism.

The primer is connected to a pyrotechnic delay: a composition that burns in a set time. That’s what gives you time to throw it.

The delay then will ignite the composition in the flashbang. The body of the device has vent holes (ideally venting from top and bottom so if you are still somehow holding it when it goes, it doesn’t injure your hand). The composition generates pressure and disperses metal particles. The pressure rise causes a bang and the metal particles burning in the air generate the flash.

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