How does grounding work


I know that electricity doesn’t just dissolve in the ground, it must return to the power source. But once the electricity is in the grounding device, how does it find its way back to the substation if it can be relatively far away?

Edit: I know ground isn’t used in normal working mode and where I live there’s no grounding in sockets.

In: 469

25 Answers

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Grounding is used to protect users from stray currents/sparks when using electricity in flammable environments.

For example you use an electric pump to pump a liquid from A to B. Something get’s broken in the electric circuit and a wire touches the metal casing? If you touch the casing the current will start flowing from you to the ground. Not something you want. When a pump is grounded. The casing is connected to the ground. When the same situation happen the current flows through the wire instead of you. Hopefully blowing a breaker making you aware of a fault.

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