How does grounding work


I know that electricity doesn’t just dissolve in the ground, it must return to the power source. But once the electricity is in the grounding device, how does it find its way back to the substation if it can be relatively far away?

Edit: I know ground isn’t used in normal working mode and where I live there’s no grounding in sockets.

In: 469

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So if you break electricity into AC snd DC it becomes more clear.

DC is just like water flowing through a hose in a loop. If you picture a side shot of that hose and buried some of the hose in the ground thats DC. And for clarity the underground parts of the hose leak into the earth but its a smart hose so the in and out pressure stay the same.

AC is also a hose in a loop but the direction of the water in the hose is pumped in one direction and then the other. This means you don’t need the buried section because there is coherence in the bidirectional flow of the water. But if you don’t trust that the hose enough you can add an attachment that will direct any leaks into the ground.

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