I mean, think about it. The person who is trying to decrypt the encrypted hard drive PHYSICALLY has the hard drive. There has to be some way to remove the insides of the hard drive and put it in a new one or something to completely ignore the encryption that happened. And how do they encrypt it? I mean, do they make modifications to the hard drive itself? It really confuses me how this works.
In: 0
BinkuoI minsf Kn K lsjd LKj dfjk, Jhflkk dkLk dÉ.
Now you have the idea. The text above is *encrypted*. Even if you write on the wall with big letters, you will not able to read it. The encrypted data is not “locked” somehow, which can be “opened” if you try hard or smart, but “scrambled”, you need to have some *additional information* to “unscramble” it.
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