How does heat speed up evaporation of water?


I know how evaporation works in general, water molecules escaping and such… but I can’t for the life of me figure out how heat makes that process faster


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6 Answers

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Imagine a glass of water like a billion microscopic balloons under a net that kinda keeps ’em in place, for the most part, but it’s got holes in it so it’s not gonna keep them there forever. At room temperature, they’re kinda just chillin’ in there, every once in a while a balloon towards the top gets bumped and escapes through a hole in the net. Of course it happens faster than “every once in a while” and it’s more than just one balloon, but that’s the general idea.

When you add heat, you are getting those balloons excited and they are moving around much more and bumping each other more, and so more and more start escaping through the net.

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