how does home court advantage work


how does home court advantage work

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32 Answers

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There are a few things to account.

A team playing at home will have:
– a terrain advantage: even in multi-million $ stadiums, there is an ever so slightly difference in the grass/material covering the court. While in “low ranking” matches we’d need a much bigger difference in the flooring’s quality to alter the quality of the game done by the players, at high level matches, that few millimeters of difference or in humidity or whatever can change the team’s play’s quality. Playing at home means that you’re playing on the very same ground you have trained on.

– a public advantage: while in big competitions supporters may do the move to cheer their team, they are rarely going to outnumber the locals coming to cheer their team. Your public knows you. Through time, the people cheering you on will be more and more “familiar” with you, even though you wouldn’t be able to recognize any of them in the street. You start to enjoy their specific energy, their way of lifting you on. Playing as the invite, you might have some supporters of yours in the stadium, but you’ll mostly have supporters of other team(s), people that are not as familiar to you as your supporters. This has a huge effect: the result of a game is a lot of technic, but there is a non-negligible part that comes from the strength your supporters breathe in you.

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