How does honey relieve a sore throat/cough?


It’s interesting how despite all differences, a great variety of cultures all share the same remedy for cough and/or sore throat: honey.
Whether they make you drink it in tea, or give it to you straight with a spoon.
The best thing: it works. But how does it work? And how did so many different peoples come to the same conclusion?

In: 2990

11 Answers

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Sugar is a mild short-term pain reliever. It also helps temporarily cause your mouth to water, increasing saliva and bringing some additional fluids to dry or sore tissues in your throat. Sucking on a spoon full of honey (or sucking or licking a lollipop or hard candy, or chewing on gum) also increases saliva production and is a popular remedy for sore throats.

In terms of alleviating congestion, hot water or hot tea is more likely the active ingredient. The steam and hot liquid can help loosen up congestion and open your sinuses. The honey makes the liquid taste better and the sugar in the honey helps relief a bit of discomfort while you’re drinking it.

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