How does human growth work? Do the bones grow and the muscle just adjusts according to it?


How does human growth work? Do the bones grow and the muscle just adjusts according to it?

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Growth hormone stimulates the body to produce and repair cells. Your body produces it while you sleep and then your body starts manufacturing new cells according to what type already exists. You get additional cells in your bones, muscles, connective tissue, organs, etc.

A lot is releases at first which is why babies sleep so much and grow so quickly, their bodies are being made and added to. Then it slows down somewhat until puberty when there’s a new growth spurt. After becoming an adult the production decreases and it’s used mostly to repair the existing body.

In older people the part of the brain that regulates sleep tends to become less effective and seniors end up sleeping less. The still need the same amount of sleep, which is why they nap, but they never enter a deep enough sleep for enough growth hormone to be release which is why healing takes longer.

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